Section: Software


As part of his activity in the PACE ANR, J. Milan completed, under the supervision of A. Enge, the development of APIP (Another Pairings Implementation in PARI), a PARI/GP module to compute state-of-the-art cryptographic pairings over elliptic curves. This module was intended to be an experimental framework for comparing the performances of the main cryptographic pairings with an emphasis on the standard 128, 192 and 256 bit high security levels.

APIP implements the Tate, Weil, ate and twisted ate pairings together with some optimal variants of the ate and twisted ate pairings for some elliptic curve families. Due to its very flexible architecture, it makes it easy to select several algorithm variants for each step of a pairing computation for a finer analysis.

Due to its emphasis on pairings for cryptographic purposes only, it is doubtful that the APIP module will be integrated in the upstream PARI/GP code base. We hope to be able to distribute APIP as an independent module in the near future, ideally under an open-source licence.